LÚPERTZ / PENCK / LÚPERTZ. Wie Kannibalisch


[001828] LÚPERTZ / PENCK / LÚPERTZ. Wie Kannibalisch. Rotterdam: Square Wheel
Cassettes, 1987. First Edition, Limited.. Cassettebandje. Fine Cassettetape with
Markus Lüpertz talking about his work and Lüpertz and Penck in concert. During
an exhibition in the Boymans van Beuningen museum 1987 . Square Wheel Cassettes.
RARE! Lupertz - Penck and on the other side Lupertz - Corot. Limited edition of
250 numbered copies. This is number 82. Size: 108 x 70 Mm

Collections: Books, rare and exclusive

Category: Book

Type: Unknown Type