JoodseFeestdagenPOERIM, Joods Historisch Museum

[000747] DRS L.FUKS. Joodse Feestdagen POERIM. Amsterdam: Joods Historisch
Museum, 1963. First Edition.. Roll. Fine Catalogue of the Jewish Histortoric
Museum on Poerim het feest van de vreugde (Celebration of Joy) in the Waaggebouw
on the Nieuwmarkt, Amsterdam. March 11 - april 12 1963. 331. The
catalogue has the form of a roll on hard wood. It is a ca 100 x 11cm paper strip
on a wooden roll of 19 cm. Introduction by Drs L.Fuks in Dutch. List of the
paintings, books, rolls and other things that were on the exhibition. On the
back of the paper a reproduction of 'Megilla' Dutch ca 1700. Reproduced after an
original in the Jewish Historic Museum for the occasion of the exhibition. With
the original purple ribbon. The outside -role is somewhat browned. Rare. Size:
187 x 34 Mm

Collections: Books, rare and exclusive

Category: Book

Type: Unknown Type