EUGENE van Tegen Alfred Dreyfus De Banneling Op Het Duivelseiland

[000679] TEGEN, EUGENE v. Alfred Dreyfus De Banneling Op Het Duivelseiland.
Amsterdam: Heiermann & Co Uitgevers, 1931. Stapled. Very Good Text in Dutch,
authorised translation. Serial complete, 130 parts. Drawings in the text.
Popularized story of the so-called Dreyfus-Affair in France. Alfred Dreyfus
(1859-1935), accused of high treason and, after a highly unfair courtmarshal
behind closed doors, bereft of his rank and sentenced for a life-long banishment
to Devil's Island, french Guyana. The case was re-opened, under political and
judicial pressure, in 1899. Dreyfus was n't fully rehabilitated, but gained a
pardon on humanitary grounds. Full rehabilitation was granted in 1906. During
the Great War, Dreyfus participated in the defence of Paris. The cause of this
Affair can be attributed to strong feelings of anti-semitism in the french army
at the time, especially amongst high-ranking officers. Size: 228 x 138 Mm

Collections: Books, rare and exclusive

Category: Book

Type: Unknown Type