J.L.J.F. EZERMAN - Beschrijving Van De Koan Iem-Tempel TIAO-KAK-SIE Te Cheribon



[000852] J.L.J.F. EZERMAN. Beschrijving Van De Koan Iem-Tempel TIAO-KAK-SIE Te Cheribon. Bataviaasch Genootschap Van Kunsten En Wetenschappen, First Edition.. Hard Cover. Fine 62 pages, 24 illustrations, photographs and reproductions of decorations. Number II in the series Populair-Wetenschappelijke Serie. A detailed discription of the tempel and its decorations, the building of it, the costs of the building. Text and translation of the Chinese caracters in the temple. Size: 254 x 188 Mm 

Collections: Books, rare and exclusive

Category: Book

Type: Unknown Type