[004174] . THICK AIR - Arni Ingolfsson - DadI Gudbjornsson - Eggert Petursson -
Helgi Fridjonsson - Ingolfur Arnarsson - Ivar Valgardsson - Kristinn Hardurson -
Steingrimur Kristmundsson - Tumi Magnusson Numbered and SIGNED . Amsterdam:
Museum Fodor , 1983. 1st Edition. 230 x 155 Mm. Booklets in a Box . Fine 9
booklets in a box edited by the mueum Fodor in 1983; at the occacion of the
exchange exhibition "Ter weerszijden van de Meridiaan". Amsterdam Reykjavik in
een oplage van 250 stuks of which the first 100 numbered and Signed. THICK AIR -
Arni Ingolfsson - DadI Gudbjornsson - Eggert Petursson - Helgi Fridjonsson -
Ingolfur Arnarsson - Ivar Valgardsson - Kristinn Hardurson - Steingrimur
Kristmundsson - Tumi Magnusson Numbered and SIGNED each booklet by teh artist.
The first one and the last one are no 60, the others are number 59. As new
condition the booklets, the upperpart of cartboard box is broken in one corner
and on the right side, but complete.

Collections: Books, rare and exclusive

Category: Book

Type: Unknown Type