Tapisseries - Sonia Delaunay


SONIA DELAUNAY. Tapisseries - Sonia Delaunay - Plus Three Invitations
D'Artcurial - . Paris: Musee d art Moderne, 1972. 1st Edition. 293 x 224 Mm .
Hard Cover Cloth. Fine 35 pages, text in French by Robert Delaunay and Blaise
Cendrars. Illustrated in color. Portrait of the artist in B&W. - Tapisseries -
Sonia Delaunay - Plus Three Invitations D'Artcurial - Very fine condition,
interior as new, slightest discoloring of the spine. Rare.  [006164]  

Collections: Books, Home page, rare and exclusive

Category: Art, Book

Type: Art book