Rhonda Zwillinger - 15 Original Paintings in a Port Folio


[003135] RHONDA ZWILLINGER. Rhonda Zwillinger - 15 Original Paintings in a Port
Folio. Paulden: Rhonda Zwillinger, 1992. Artist Book.. Loose Pages in a
Porfolio. Signed by Author(s). As New 15 original drawings/paintings, 7 x 310 x
231 mm - 8 x 360 x 260 mm. Including one collage. Mixed media on
watercolourpaper. by Rhonda Zwillinger, All signed and dated -between1990 -
1992. - in a linnen-cloth portfolio. Size: 333 x 510 Mm

Collections: Books, rare and exclusive

Category: Book

Type: Unknown Type