LEBEDEW. De Reis Door Perzie


[005241] LEBEDEW. De Reis Door Perzie - Ben Ik 't Wel of Ben Ik 't Niet -
Volksrijmpjes . Brussel: De Wilde Roos, 1930. 1st Edition. 223 x 191 Mm. Hard
Cover. Good Pages unnumbered 32 + titlepage. illustrated by W.Lebedew. Text by
Marschak translated by Ljoeba Dworson and Eliza Hess-Binger. De reis door
Perzie. Fully illustrated with Lebedew's colourful drawings. Original wrappers, printed in various colours and illustrated with a Lebedew drawing. "Translation of the Russian children' s book "Bagazh" ("Luggage"), as published in Moscow by Giz (State Publishing House) in 1930, differing somewhat from the first editionpublished by Raduga (Rainbow), Moscow 1926." This copy is a re-issue of theDutch edition by de Baanbreker but now instead of 'de Reis door Rusland' underthe title 'De Reis door Perzie'. In the illustrations they changed all theluggagelabels from 'Moskou' into 'Perzie'. This 8 page childrenbook is boundtogether with 'Volksrijmpjes' (8 pages), and C.Marschak, Ben ik 't wel of ben ik't niet? Illustrated by Konaschewitch. 10 pages. All published by 'de WildeRoos' Brussel. Het boekje is gereapreerd, de rug vernieuwd de schutbladen zijnnieuw en het eerste deeltje met ezelsoren/vouwen. Het deeltje de reis doorPerzie is mooi behalve wat off setting verbruining op sommige bladzijden.

Collections: Books, rare and exclusive

Category: Book

Type: Unknown Type