Cadillac Brochure - Presenting the Newest Car in the World Cadillac Sixty-two for 1940

 Cadillac Brochure - Presenting the Newest Car in the World Cadillac
Sixty-two for 1940 . U.S.A.: General Motors Corporation, 1940. 1st Edition. 245
x 317 Mm . Loose Pages in a Porfolio. Fine Cadillac Brochure - Presenting the
Newest Car in the World Cadillac Sixty-two for 1940 - 3 folded pages in port
folio. Text in English, illustrated in color plates. Interior as new, the
portfolio fine and also the remains of the envelope! Rare item.  [006252] .

Collections: Books, Home page, rare and exclusive

Category: Book

Type: Book