LE ROI JONES - Black Dada Nihilismus - Le Roi Jones New York Art Quartet / Freak - in - Love - Out and it Happens ... For Ever - Poems Hans Wesseling


LE ROI JONES / HANS WESSELING. Black Dada Nihilismus - Le Roi Jones New
York Art Quartet / Freak - in - Love - Out and it Happens ... For Ever - Poems
Hans Wesseling - Flexy Disc in Original Sleeve . UPS (Underground Press
syndicate) , 1967. 1st Edition. 192 x 190 Mm . Single in Hoes. Fine Black Dada
Nihilismus - Le Roi Jones New York Art Quartet / Freak - in - Love - Out and it
Happens ... For Ever - Poems Hans Wesseling with Jan v/d Meer, Wijnald mens,
Ernst Cas- Enno Veldhuys - Hans Schmidt - recorded in the Hague- Flexy Disc in
Original Sleeve - On the front cover poems by Hans Wesseling. On the back -
Black Dada Nihilismus. Sleeve browned but all in very fine condition. Rare. [006232] 

Collections: Books, Home page, rare and exclusive, Vinyl Records

Category: Art, Book, Vinyl Records

Type: poetry